Tuesday 25 September 2012

Purdy's Original

So, I was walking back to the office after having completed my errands at lunch and all of a sudden I see a lady eating a Purdy's Original.  The cruelty!  I instantly wanted one even though I was full and definitely didn't need one.  I told myself this, but sometimes it's difficult to convince your brain that what it wants isn't what it needs.  Knowing that I would be thinking about it all afternoon, and the fact that I happened to be walking right past Purdy's, there was really no option but to go in and get one.

For those of you who have never had a Purdy's Original...you have not lived.  Imagine an ice cream bar dipped in your choice of white chocolate or dark chocolate, and then rolled in your choice of sprinkles or nuts.  Heaven on a stick!  As you can tell, I opted for the classic milk chocolate and nuts (the only way to go in my opinion).  Mmmmm...I think I'm starting to crave another...

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